Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lighting And Shadow

The Black Box, The Concealed Room. Chapter 5. The Shadow As Repetition. As the moon starts to disappear and the sun starts to rise, its morning twilight time. Shadows are long and light. They are more blue then black. You are walking along a path at an art gallery. On your right side a feature wall with intriguing square conical hollow shapes bursting out of the wall. Suddenly the clouds clear and the moon is bright in the sky again. You look to your left and you notice that the blank wall on your left is no longer blank. Light is being funneled down these protruding shapes on the right and projected onto the left. The wall becomes an art piece of its own now. Using projected light to repeat what should be shadows into beams of light is an innovative idea. When I see this I think of how it would be to walk through that space and what it would be like to have that atmosphere surrounding you. Underneath the stars still during twilight I would feel that the projection would feel as though they were stars against a wall. Especially if the holes in the conical shapes were smaller. The feeling you would get from this would be the feeling of never ending space, in a never ending universe. The feeling of never ending space is something I would like to explore with my design. While Erika probes this thought on an outwards visual plane, it would also be a compelling thought to twist that around and turn it inwards. In a lab I think a space that conveys the feeling of infinite space heading inwards would aid scientists with the philosophy behind theory.

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