Monday, March 30, 2009

New Overall Shape

I am quite disappointed in this picture right now because I am having a bit of trouble with the putting texture into the model, not just my own texture but actually onto some surfaces. It is a tad frustrating because I will chose the face I want to apply texture to and it won't do anything or texture another surface, or my favourite will be if it already has a texture on it and I want to change it will sometimes change right back to gray and I simply won't be able to put any texture on it. I don't know what is going on but I hope it is resolved before Thursday. Anyways.

Artists Work In Space

Friday, March 27, 2009


These are my 36 textures from the studio on the Tuesday Studio class. My favourite texture is Reactive!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Second 3D Model

This is my second sketch up model including the two sets of stairs, which has turned into eight sets of stairs in order to accommodate the four different buildings that create the artist studios. The studios are in a different set of buildings then the exhibition space which is glass building in the back to let in the natural light, and to seperate the working space from the show space. The above ground space represents the word broken from Rosalie Gascoigne's art and the below ground represents metallic for Fiona Hall's art.

Sections Used In Second Model

These are my sections for the second SketchUp Model. The top two sections are for the set of stairs to go from below ground to ground level. You will note that I have changed them once I had my model done in Sketch Up to better suit what I actually had. The bottom two sections are for the set of stairs that goes from ground level to above ground.

Stair Sections Not Used In Model

These are the sections of stairs that would be placed in my first model. The first drawings would be used to go from below ground to ground level. They would be in there own stairwell and would almost act as there own artpiece. The steps comprise of triangle pieces cantilevered into the different sides of the stairwell as you are going up. The second set of sections are for going to from the upper level to the ground level and they curve around a central column so that when you either go up or down the stairs you have a nearly 360 degree view around the exhibition area.

Stair Sections

These are the sections of the stairs from Russell's lecture in Week 2. These were the section from the light stairs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fiona Hall

Fiona Hall's art piece Nelumbo nucifera; nelum (Sinhala); thamareri (Tamil); lotus, 1999 is made from Aluminium & steel. She has taken old sardine cans and carefully cut them open to leave them half open. She then carved and engraved steel into looking like a lotus. She then filigreeds- which means A form of ornamentation, usually formed by gold or silver twisted wire, this on top of the sardine tins.

Rosalie Gascoigne

Rosalie Gascoigne's artwork Lily pad is made of linoleum and plywood she found from in a garbage tip. She often found the materials for other pieces of her artwork at the tip. Lily pad was then created like all her pieces by rearranging and assembling all the pieces. Although in none of my research that I did, did it say that she affixed these pieces to anything I am going to assume that she did.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here are the rest of my 18 sketch sections. Sorry about not posting them sooner. I interpreted the instructions as only putting up the sections that we used to make the first Sketch Up Model. My mistake! The top two pages are my favourites!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Metallic. Broken.

Iso View.

Second View.

And this is where it came from. The Metallic is the top left hand corner above ground sketch. Thinking about metallic I was reminded of those dome monkey bar jungle gym structures from childhood and tried to express that through the section. Didn't quite come out as that but I thought it made a interesting shape and an interesting space. The second from the top on the right hand side and represents the section of broken underground. I expressed it as though the ground was broken up by underground boxes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fiona Hall, Tracey Moffatt And Rosalie Gascoigne

Fiona Hall.




Tracey Moffatt



Rosalie Gascoigne




Personal Pictures

Having graduated from high school in June 2006, which was nearly three years ago, and as well as moving across the world to come to university I honestly can say that I do not have any work that I had ever completed from high school. Although a knitted scarf is not "creative" as such, the creative part is my genius idea that it is the only thing I have made in high school. In fact, it was the first thing I had ever knitted in full, and without(or nearly) mistakes. Unfortunately it is more crafty than creative, but I am still immensly proud of it! Hope you overlook that 'small' interpretation.

The building to the right is a unique piece of architecture is many ways. Firstly it is entirely made of a truly renewable resource in that every winter it is made completly of snow and every spring the snow melts and the whole process of building it starts again. Also, the outside doesn't look to remarkable in the pictures but the inside is almost entirely made of ice as well, even including the beds. Then of course there is the fact that it is made of ice, you can't really overlook that fact too much, as it is literally a igloo hotel. This is the hotel de glace in Quebec, Canada, and the link to see some inside pictures (which I highly recommend they are gorgeous) is .

My original picture is from a place 30 minutes from my hometown called the Carberry Sandhills. A few friends and myself had gone hiking after dinner there one night and just exited out of slightly forested area onto a set of huge sand dunes just at twilight. The sunset that night was just so beautiful that we had to stop and watch it go down before we could continue hiking. This is just one of the amazing pictures that we took of it that night.